Two Generations CiC

Older people (and people living with disabilities) suffer from a number of disadvantages, including:

Loneliness - more than 1m older people state they can go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or relative. Loneliness has the same medical effect as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Risk of falls / injury - doing ordinary household tasks

Slow hospital discharge - due to a lack of support at home, leading to unnecessarily long stays

Prohibitive cost of care – often when regulated care is only part of the solution or not optimal

Negative health impact on unpaid carers – over 80% have a negative impact on both mental and physical health.

Additionally, renters from all backgrounds, but particularly those on low incomes and key workers, who struggle in a market of ever increasing rents, exacerbated by recent legislation changes (causing landlords to sell) and higher interest rates. Younger people in particular are struggling to get out of the rent cycle and save up to purchase their own property.

We solve these problems by carefully vetting people who would otherwise rent to become “homesharers”, and then matching them with older people or those with disabilities (“Householders”) to provide support and live in their homes in a “homeshare”. Neither party is lonely; there is support in place to prevent unnecessary injury and to facilitate hospital discharge; our service is far cheaper than care; and unpaid carers can take breaks. Both parties also save on fuel bills, since they heat one home, not two. After the initial matching, Two Generations (2Gen) provide ongoing support for reassurance of both parties and to help them navigate any issues that might arise.

Please Note: Homeshare is a paid-for service with a small monthly fee payable by Householders (£1-100) and Sharers (£249) to cover the costs of matching and managing your Homeshare.

Webinar: How Homeshare helps tackle loneliness -

Information for volunteers

Every bit of volunteering you do will help create homeshares. Each homeshare in place will mean that someone's life is transformed. For example:

- A chronically lonely person who's despairing finally having some company
- An unpaid carer for a partner with health issues finally being able to leave the house and take a break
- An anxious person feeling much more relaxed because they know there's someone else in the house at night; and their children feeling reassured because they live far away.
- Someone is able to go home from the hospital earlier because they have someone to cook and clean for them
- An elderly person is able to remain in their home for 50 years rather than go to a care home


Two Generations CiC
315 Highgate Studios
53-79 Highgate Road

Age Groups