INTEGR8 BEFRIENDING - Befriending equipped me with knowledge and skills

Sun 5 Jun 2022

INtegr8 is the Youth Action Project’s Befriending Service for 10 – 21 year olds. We aim to reach some of West Lothian’s most vulnerable young people, specifically those who are isolated and experiencing issues around their mental health/well-being. Young people may have things going on in their lives such as peer or family difficulties, being bullied, feeling alone, or experiencing stress or anxiety.


Klayre, Befriender

I have been in my befriending role for 14 years.

It has helped to give me a purpose and over the years I have met a variety of different personalities, each one coming with many highs and not any lows.

My co-ordinator is amazing throughout the befriending process and I am always in direct contact when being matched with a young person.  I am fully supported within the role. 

The sessions are a pleasure and I get to enjoy time with my young person.  Hopefully I help them with any goals they would like to achieve.

Befriending has helped to equip me with different knowledge and skills. This has built my self confidence, and knowing I can make a difference in someone’s life is very rewarding.

It has been one of the best experiences of my life and I hope I can continue to volunteer and give back something to a service that helped me many years ago when I was a rebellious teen.


By: INtegr8

If you're inspired and would like to get involved please visit: 

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