
Check-in and Chat is a chance to have a weekly chinwag with our FoodCycle volunteers. It’s free, available to anyone in the UK and you can sign-up whether or not you come to one of our community meals.

It’s a fun and easy chance for our guests to talk to volunteers once a week, to feel connected to others, and simply share the joy of a good chat – about food, what’s going on with each other, or anything else. Our volunteers are also trained to provide signposting information, if you were to require information about other support services in your area.

Information for volunteers

Love to chat?
If you love to talk to people, why not join us as a Check-in and Chat volunteer. You could make a real difference to someone who feels a bit lonely and isolated.

Without the amazing work of our thousands of volunteers across the country, FoodCycle simply wouldn’t be possible.

So much of our success is down to our incredible volunteers and, as a Check-in and Chat volunteer, you’ll be making regular phone calls to our guests to keep them connected, and just enjoy a good natter!


FoodCycle, 2.16,
The Food Exchange, New Covent Garden Market,
Greater London

Age Groups